
M.I.V.W 2011

Re:Published from Stancesyndicate.com 

Men In Volkswagen 2011

Valkenburg, Holland

 I didn’t plan to go to M.I.V.W, but some people say that unplanned things give more satisfaction. On one of the days, about a week before M.I.V.W something made me check the flight tickets. Cheapest option was Ryanair flying to Eindhoven. Stupid me, instead purchasing the ticket while it was relatively cheap I was hesitating and end up paying loads.

Landed in Holland on Saturday morning. Feeling guilty for paying a lot for the flight ticket and being even more anxious about that the Ryanair wouldn’t allow me to take my tripod over. I was allowed one piece of cabin luggage, hence all my photo equipment consumed 95% of bag’s capacity, leaving me with enough space for a pair of socks.

I didn’t know that yet, but the M.I.V.W weekend was going to be the adventure type. Indiana Jones style. The whole thing was taking place on a military airfield in Valkenburg some 150 km north-west from Eindhoven. Thought to myself, that it would be handy to rent a car. None were available at the airport, hence got myself a bus ticket to the train station.
Passing by PSV Eindhoven stadium I’ve arrived at the train station. It wasn’t easy now to find a train going to Leiden (nearest town to Valkenburg). But wait! It’s Holland, it seems that everybody speak English here. Few minutes later I was waiting for a train with a children’s fare ticket in my hand. Those ticket machines were very annoying, tried to get a student discount ticket but once clicked, magic on the screen happened and asked me for the money. Got a kid’s ticket printed.
I was hoping that the whole trip will be a piece of a cake. I didn’t know how wrong and right at the same time I was. Got on the train with peace of mind thinking that I’m going directly to Leiden. Yeah right.. Few minutes later a girl sat down next to me.
I had a strange feeling that the girl beside me is a bit squashed because of my luggage bag. No she was not, she said. After a quick icebreaker I asked her how long will trip to Leiden take? “This train doesn’t go to Leiden”  she said. More funny news. This train not only goes to Amsterdam where I will have to transfer onto another train, but it is also going to get filled up to the sardines tin extent.
I didn’t know about Gay Pride in Amsterdam this weekend. I was in shock! On the next station the whole train got packed to the maximum and it wouldn’t even stop on a station before Amsterdam. Girl sitting beside me was ultra kind. She’s checked what time I’ll have train to Leiden and even from which platform it departs. Are all people in Holland so happy about life, kind and helpful? Haven’t even asked for help and I’ve got it. Thanks again!
Thanks to that charming girl I knew that my next train departs from platform 13a in seven minutes after arriving in Amsterdam. The place was so much packed that I didn’t manage to catch that train, luckily next one was in some ten minutes. This time I could relax. Eventually I was on a train to Leiden. Through the windows I saw boats, floating on the Amsterdam’s canals, full of partying people.
Finally arrived in Leiden. Once again I’ve tried to rent a car. No success. But the rent a car company employee was so helpful that he even printed out a bus route map to Valkenburg for me and showed location of the nearest coffeshop – “It’s over there, look” – he pointed out at a venue some 40m ahead of us.
It was around 2pm, I had two hours until coffeshops would be open. Decided to wait before I will head over to NH Hotel in Noordwijkerhout, where what I didn’t know yet, most of the crews attending M.I.V.W where staying. Wherever I go, there I bring rain. This time it couldn’t be no different. I got caught in a heavy rain. Suddenly from around of a corner Wolfsgruppe’s Przemo came out.
Przemo, who came with girls, was getting some pizzas for the hungry crew. Meanwhile it was 4pm already so I head over to the coffeshop. Had two to choose from. Decided to go there were the queue was – following thinking, were people go, things must be interesting. Inside got myself two bags of goodies: “Ooo yeah, gimme that.. hmm.. and bag of this too man.. nice.. “. “Fancy free skins man?” -  fella behind the counter asked.
Of course I did take them free skins, why not? Rolling in Szczepan’s Passat we got over to the “M.I.V.W Hotel”. My first words were: “Oh…! Fucking hell!” – I think that the view of a slammed R8 makes one say something like  that. It’s like a short summary of the “show extent”. More to come soon.

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